Sunday, December 11, 2011

Facts About Me

I'm in the mood to be random, so here goes.

I'm allergic to peanuts, but oddly enough I love peanut butter.
I've had Alopecia Areata for the past four and a half years.
If you're my friend, I'll do anything for you.
I trust people more than I should.
I thoroughly enjoy listening to other people talk.
I absolutely adore little children, especially babies (I can't wait to be a mother!).
I'm easily entertained.
I'm super indecisive.
I've kissed 26 boys...that I can remember.
I want to marry my best friend.
The St. George Temple is my favorite temple.
Living in southern Utah is 10x better than living up north.
Pangea-bed-movie-marathons are the greatest.
I love anything to do with weddings.
My favorite color is purple.
One of my nicknames is Purple.

I'll never forget those who've made a difference in my life:
Desirae and Emily (God knew I needed friends like you)
Mason (you're like an older brother to me and know literally everything about me)
Katelin and Tiana (We found each other and it's made all the difference)
Cindy (you understand where I've been and helped me out)
Parker (you brought me to church and taught me so much)
Lindsey (I can tell you all my boy problems and you give me awesome advice)

I have regrets in my life, but those mistakes have also made me who I am today.

No matter how much I fight with my mother, I'll always love her.  She brought me into this world and told me that I never left her side.  Sometime we might fight like there's no tomorrow, but she's there for me when I need her and is possibly one of my best friends.

I love music.  A lot.
Regina Spektor
Mates of State
Justin Bieber
Taylor Swift
Bruno Mars
Mayday Parade
I just love it all and finding new stuff is the best.

That's my randomness for the night.

1 comment:

  1. :) I'm always more than happy to give you advice!! I LOVE YOU!
