Wednesday, April 4, 2012


So these are the pictures from Hilary's birthday, my birthday, and Kylie's bridal shower.  Also, I deactivated my Fbook if anyone was wondering.......

Hilary's Birthday Dinner
The great Emily Burt joined us!!

Hil got sung to in the sombrero.

Me and Hil (my partner in crime). Oh, and Dylan in the back.

Tropical sunrise!!

Me and Hil at birthday drinks

Tiana, Kate, me, and Kylei celebrating by getting all "virgin drinked up."  On the house we might add.

 The Wight House Crew for Kylie's bridal shower.

Childhood friends reunited!!
Whit, Ky, me

Us with our lovely mothers.   Whit and Pam.  Ky and Traci.  Teresa and me.

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