Sunday, March 4, 2012

In Love with Love.

I've decided that I'm in love with love.  I don't really think I've ever been in love, maybe close to it, but I really don't know.  I've always loved weddings ever since I was a little girl, and loved going to receptions with my parents so I could see the bride and all the decorations.  Now that Pinterest exists, I'm constantly looking at the "Wedding & Events" section and pinning pinning pinning things to my "I Do, One Day" board.  Believe me, I'm in no rush to get married, I just really enjoy looking at wedding things and dreaming about my future wedding.  Some friends were having a conversation the other night about future husbands/wives and I was struck with the notion that I really have looked way too much into what I want.  All I really want is to be loved by the man of my dreams, whoever that may be.  Everything else is so minute in comparison to that that I really shouldn't care so much.  So I'm toning down my wedding mania and just going to deal with making myself a better person for right now.  My Future Hubby blog is done for now.  I'll probably show it to him after we're married.  But I'm content with life for now.

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