Saturday, December 15, 2012

Officially a Senior

I finished my fifth semester of school.  It was kind of a crazy semester but it has also been a really good one. I got to live with one of my best friends, Katelin J, and it was great.  I also got to live with a crazy batch...that sucked.  I've had so many experiences that just have made it a wonderful experience.  And now I'm officially a senior in college.
I have (hopefully) one year--two semesters--left until I graduate with a Bachelor's in Human Nutrition.  I cannot wait for that day!  I know that this is supposedly the greatest time in my life and that I shouldn't want to be done with it, but I'm just ready for a new chapter.  I'm ready to be married and have a family and not be a poor college student.  I want to go travel and volunteer and do random things that I've never done before.
This semester I've realized how much I love my friends and especially my family.  They truly are some of the best people I know.  They all do so much for me, probably more than they know, and I'm grateful to them everyday.  I love you all!

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