Monday, December 24, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again!

Christmas comes just once each year.

It's Christmas Eve everybody!!  I really do love this time of year.  This year is a new kind of Christmas though.  Andrew is married, so Holly is here.  Austin is gone.  I'm only with my parents for a few days.  It's different.  But it's also cool to think that my family is changing and growing up and good things are going on with everyone.

As much as I have loved being home with my family though, I've missed spending time with a certain someone...  He is going to visit his sister in Montana, but he literally just landed since his flight was delayed for like 4 hours.  Poor guy was stuck all alone at the Vegas airport on Christmas Eve.  I would have loved to have been there with him.  This past week we've spent literally all of our spare time together.  He's just so sweet and nice and I love being with him!  We're taking things slow.  But it's good.  Every time I hear the song, "All I Want for Christmas," I think of him and my heart melts a bit..  Is this what love feels like??  I'm pretty sure I'm falling or have fallen for this guy.

Merry Christmas everyone!  And Happy New Year!  I love you all :)

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