Friday, July 27, 2012

Time is Love

My friend Westin Stagg got home from his mission on Wednesday.  He just called me.  I'm the happiest person in the world right now!
It's been awhile since I last posted anything.  
4th of July:  I spent it in Richfield with my best friends Katelin and Tiana.  We did the Liberty 5K, watched the parade, hung around at the fair and got friendship rings, had lunch with Kate's family where we fell asleep and Kinsley took pictures of us, watched the Bachelorette,  had dinner, went on a bike ride, watched fireworks, and had a sleepover.  I loved it!  I love Richfield and I love those two girls.
After the fourth:  I drove to Bountiful.  I spent Friday night making pies and other treats for Emi's bridal shower.  Saturday morning was the shower and it was way fun.  Then later that night my family and Holly's (Andrew's fiance) family had a barbecue.  We had food, talked, and then played this game called "Do you love your neighbors?"  It was pretty fun.  We're all pretty competitive to say the least.  Sunday I went to Danner Kjar's homecoming and then came back to Cedar.
I feel for the most part the rest of my July has been marked by trips to places..
I went on a date with this guy Caleb.  He was nice but I didn't feel right about I cut the cord there..  I spoke in church on pioneers a couple weeks ago.  It went well I guess.. I hate speaking though.
I spent last weekend at my roommate's cabin with a bunch of friends.  I made breakfast burritos for breakfast, sandwiches and homemade fries for lunch, and pulled pork sandwiches for dinner.  We explored Mammoth Caves and got all muddy, went on a hike at Cascade Falls in the rain, and then "swam" in a pond...but really there were tons of people fishing there so we just got weird looks from them since we were all wearing swim suits.  It was a really good weekend overall!  We did karaoke at the cabin too and it was so funny and so fun!
I left Monday night and went up to Salt Lake to look for dresses for Andrew's wedding.  I didn't find any.  But I got to spend the 24th in Bountiful and that's my favorite place to be for that holiday!  My neighbor did his annual firework show and I got to chat with my old young women's leader and see two of my guy friends from my parent's ward.  They're funny boys but I love 'em.  Wednesday I drove to Provo and had lunch with Tiana at Zupas.  It was delicious!  I love talks with Tinana Belle.
And pretty much inbetween all those things I've been working working working.  I love it but at the same time I really just can't wait to be on the beach, in the sun, relaxing and doing nothing.  I get to go up to Salt Lake again next Wednesday and have a bachelorette/birthday party with Emi and Des.  Then Emi's reception is Thursday and she gets married Friday!!  Saturday will most likely and hopefully be spent at City Creek with my besties and then Sunday I'm off to Cali with my family!!
OH! And my little sister and Bree's little sister are coming tonight and we're going to have a great few days with those girls!!  Maybe I'll actually get my camera out and take some pictures! ha

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