Monday, September 24, 2012


I don't mean for you to stand still.  I simply mean that my life is at a standstill.
The phrase
is becoming more and more true every day.
Minus the "I'm just getting more awesome." part.
People keep posting things saying that this is such an exciting time to be a Simon since my younger brother got his mission call and my older brother is getting married.  I feel like it is a great thing to be a Simon.  If you live in Northern Utah.  But for this Southern Utah Simon, life is just going nowhere.  I'm in school.  I'm working.  I'm not dating anyone.  I'm not even close to going on a date with someone.
It's depressing.
I hate this feeling.  And I get it quite often.  I just never seem to have a plan or direction or goal with my life so I feel like it's just at a standstill.
That's all.


  1. I know the feeling lyss. Just keep your head up! and let's take a vacation to Hawaii like asap! then life wouldn't be at a standstill anymore :]

  2. I totally know someone I can set you up on a date with. Just saying :)
